Best Childcare in Miramar

Tuatara Kids is a Childcare in Miramar that provides a welcoming learning environment for whanau (families) from all walks of life. Through strong Tuakana-Teina (older-younger) relationships, our localized curriculum and programmed are led by children's interests and designed in collaboration with parents' aspirations to support childcare in Miramar to reach their full potential. That is why it is the best childcare in Wellington.

Kia ora koutou! Tuatara Kids is a homely learning space in Miramar for whānau from all walks of life. Our localised curriculum and programme are led by our tamariki’s interests, and designed in collaboration with parents' aspirations to support the tamariki to reach their full potential, through strong Tuakana-Teina relationships. We pride ourselves to be one of the best childcare centre in Wellington’s south-east peninsula. Nau mai, haere mai!

A child at Tuatara Kids Childcare center learning, exploring while playing with dinosaur toys.

Our Values

Partnerships -

‘Ehara Taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari, he toa takitini’ (It takes a village to raise a child).

Respect -

Te Mana. Mana is the ultimate lifeforce within us, and the space we live in. Respect for each other, our environment, and all things living.

Exploration -

Mana āoturoa. we value and encourage tamariki’s natural curiosity for learning and view this as an important means to gain confidence, develop strategies, and to build resilience.

A child at Tuatara Kids Childcare center learns how to assist her family with household chores.


Tuakana-Teina relationship is a model of buddy system that is recognised in traditional Maori society. We foster this method of learning in our environment where we embraces the value of ako.

Respectful and genuine relationships promote a secure and positive sense of belonging, which we believe encourages the best learning outcome for our tamariki.

A child learns to draw at Tuatara Kids Childcare center.

About Us

Tuatara Kids cares for tamariki aged up to 6 years old.

We are licensed for 28 tamariki including 6 under two years olds.

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