Join the team

If you are looking for an early childhood teachers job. We are a growing organization with requirements for ECE teachers jobs. If you want a fun and meaningful career as an early childhood teacher, learn more about what it takes to be a part of the Tuatara team and understand The Tuatara way and our approach to education.

A certified Early Childhood Education teacher assists children in learning through drawing.

Do you want a fun and meaningful career as an early childhood teacher? Talk to us and learn more about what it takes to be a part of our Tuatara team and understand the Tuatara approach to education.

We are currently looking for ECE trained and qualified Kaiako/reliever to join the team.

We thrive to grow our kaiako to be the best that they can.

Our kaiako attend regular professional development courses to further their knowledge and to keep it current.

We provide a structured mentoring programme to support our kaiako, including provisional registered kaiako, on an ongoing basis to enable them to gain full registration, through the course of employment.

We provide expertise and guidance to assist student teachers including workforce trainees with their work experience and demonstrate a level of excellence in early childhood education and care.

If you believe in what you do makes a crucial and fundamental impact on our tamariki and our future, you are the one we have been looking for!

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