Know our daycare fees & childcare cost

Children spend their days at Tuatara Kids Childcare Center learning and playing with one another under the supervision of qualified teachers.

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We review our fees annually or when necessary, with a sensible approach, given to what required to deliver a high-quality service to you and your tamariki. We appreciate your support and investment in education. Ka pai!

Our bank account details are:
ANZ Bank, 01-1823-0058144-02.  Tuatara Kids
Please use your child’s name as reference. 

1 full day > 6 hours;  1 part day = 6 hours*(limited space only)
Minimum enrolment 2 days.

Under 3 years

Part day - $60 per day Full day - $90 per day Full week - $380

2 part days $120 2 full days $180
3 part days $180 3 full days $270
4 part days $240 4 full days $360
5 part days $300 5 full days $380

Over 3 years

Part day - $25 per day after 20ECE Full day - $55 per day Full week - $255

Optional charges*: $35 per child per week

2 part days Nil 2 full days $110
3 part days Nil 3 full days $165
4 part days $100 4 full days $220
5 part days $125 5 full days $255

NON-ECE Children $40 per hour

Other fees information

Siblings discount of 10% , which only applies after your WINZ subsidy or 20 ECE Hours.

*Optional charges

This is to cover the cost to allow much higher than the mandatory teacher:child ratio, Storypark etc. This is a voluntary payment and the charges are guidelines only. You are welcome to put in an amount that you think is fair, to help us to keep our quality at a high level. Thanks!

Work and Income Subsidy may be available – please enquire.

We encourage you to pay fees by automatic payment or direct credit. Invoice/Statements will be issued at the end of each week. When your child leaves the centre all unpaid fees are to be paid on or before their last day. Any outstanding amount owing over 30 days will be passed onto a debt collection agency. All costs of debt recovery will be added to the account.

Casual Days

All casual days should be given at least 1 week's notice unless it is an emergency.  If wanting to take advantage of the remaining 20 ECE hours the existing attestation form must be amended or a new attestation form completed. 

Please refer to our Fee Policy for further information.

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